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This practical guide is devoted to vascular diseases as dealt with by vascular surgeons primarily with the collaboration of other specialists attending to vascular diseases. Because vascular disease requires a holistic approach that can ideally be delivered by various disciplines working together in the form of vascular centres, the book depicts precisely this approach towards confronting and treating vascular diseases. The readership that will benefit the most would be trainees and practitioners in vascular surgery, angiology and also practicing physicians.
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The text is written by over 75 authors, many of whom are considered among the leaders in their respective fields. Each chapter is concise and focused on the practical aspects of the topic. Historical and out-dated procedures are largely ignored. Every chapter concludes with a section titled “pearls and pitfalls,” as well as a handful of important references. You can download Practical Plastic Surgery Book for free from the download link. Download Practical Plastic Surgery PDF 11 Mb.
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Covers all of the latest vascular imaging techniques. Offers a completely new section on non-operative patient management. Download Rutherford – Vascular Surgery 6th Edition CHM 68 Mb Download Link. Description,review and table of contents of Practical Plastic Surgery: The book contains over a hundred chapters organized into eight sections that cover the breadth of plastic surgery, starting with General Principles, The Problematic Wound and Integument. The next five sections address the principle disciplines, and include Head and Neck, Trunk and Lower Extremity, Craniofacial Surgery, Aesthetic Surgery, concluding with Hand and Upper Extremity. The book concludes with two large appendices and a comprehensive index. Appendix I lists most of the commonly used flaps and their harvest and has many illustrations of these flaps.
Appendix II is comprised of illustrations and the names of the common surgical instruments used by most plastic surgeons. The text is written by over 75 authors, many of whom are considered among the leaders in their respective fields. Each chapter is concise and focused on the practical aspects of the topic.
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