
Gold Hack Atlantica Online Cheat Engine

Elite*gold: 0. So this isn't a real hack is just an impress of been is just your client see thinks more faster but. Atlantica Online + Cheat engine. Atlantica Online Battle Speed dan Move Speed via CE, Menggunakan Cheat Engine. Download Gratis Cheat – Hack Enhance Atlantica Online Indonesia Terbaru 2011. Tips Mencari Gold Atlantica Online Mercenary Warlord Khun Paen/Phaen Info dan Guide.

Anohe and hard way could be that will is store between two or more values and they get result = a1-a2+a3 or something hard. I still looking for it but it take a long since unkown initial value always get first time 8billion of result xD. Will is not a Number, its a Text and UniCode. If its at 100% (or 125% depends on lvl) scan for TEXT '125%', than use something like a exp book, and scan for the Value (115%) before it changes ('might' effect the Scan, if you are too slow). In the end you get the Value which contains 4 Values: They are: '1' 00 '2' 00 '5' 00 '%' 00 Reading them with AutoIT is kinda special, as i read the Values in the Order they are in the Memory according to Cheat Engine. And i end with: 21%5 So they are switched and i have to change them to be correct again (might be effected due to Little Endian / Big Endian ). So i reverse the String after 2 Memory Reads, so its: 125% again, than cut the '%' from the String to end with the number that actual matters for me; The will value alone.

Klik 2x address tersebut. Freeze dan ganti value menjadi 240. Atlantica Online Cheat Battle Speed dan Move Speed Trainer Download Gratis. Trainer Battle Speed + Move Speed ini sebenernya simpe cara kerjanya hanya untuk menambah kecepatan saat Battle dan saat Berjalan saja, paling pas untuk yang tidak mau membuang banyak waktu saat Battle / Ketika Berjalan. Sebenernya kamu juga bisa menggunakan CE (cheat engine) untuk menambahkan kecepatan saat Battle tapi harus sedikit repot ketika me scan address nya, nah trainer ini bisa di bilang nyenyingkat waktu ketika menggunakan CE, cara kerja nya sama persis kok 🙂 tinggal setting kecepatan yang kamu mau lalu klik apply beres tanpa harus scan sana scan sini. Sedikit tutorial nya ketika menggunakan program ini: Battle Speed / Hack / Cheat / Apalah itu nama nya >> Value kecepatan yang di saran kan adalah 200 lebih dari itu bisa menyebabkan Crash, Lag, Pusing Kepala, Pegal Linu, Encok dll. Move Speed / Hack >> Value yang di saran kan tanpa menggunakan mount aka ngesot adalah 30 dan value ketika menggunakan mount adalah 50 lebih dari itu bisa mengakibatkan Game Crash dan Lag.

By searching for 100% you would actually just search for the display instead of the actual value. You allways have 100 Will, later on with higher level you get to 125% Will. The problem with the Will Value is simpel that it displays 19% for example, so searching for a 19, than if it becomes 20%, search for 20 gives no Result for 4-Integer, so i tryd Float number with the%-Value, like 80% is 0.80 and things like that, no result, so tryd with Double and in the end tryd with Text.

Beside that the 'box' thing is just random, if you could 'somehow' search for this value (which should be pretty hard) you might be able to 'slow' it, or skip it completly and give it a fix value, so yes it could be possible to make it 'selectable' what you get of a box, but who knows if this is client/server side, and getting the value will be hard too (but if someone is intrested, just scan with Cheat Engine and open 1000 boxes or so to search the changing value). Battlespeed i sure is felt only by my client the others players see me on their speed,as im in a party i see all with very fast speed but if i ask my party member he says i don't move more faster. So this isn't a real hack is just an impress of been is just your client see thinks more faster but isn't a real server speed like you gain more faster speed the others players. That i know from what i observed and asked others of my friends. Like CE does to any others games is just an impress of faster speed for nubs.

Sedikit tutorial nya ketika menggunakan program ini: Battle Speed / Hack / Cheat / Apalah itu nama nya >> Value kecepatan yang di saran kan adalah 200 lebih dari itu bisa menyebabkan Crash, Lag, Pusing Kepala, Pegal Linu, Encok dll. Move Speed / Hack >> Value yang di saran kan tanpa menggunakan mount aka ngesot adalah 30 dan value ketika menggunakan mount adalah 50 lebih dari itu bisa mengakibatkan Game Crash dan Lag.

2011-07-24 430MB 14 15./40nd084y-r9md02m7sx72pzr/Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg_-_Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg__1969_.part2 forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=7705&start=1080 Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg_-_Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg__. 2011-07-24 430MB 14 15./w9zd7cdb-dxmg4zd7yv63cj2/Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg__1969__Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg mp3albumcentre.blogspot.com/2008/08/serge-gainsbourg-n2.html Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg__1969__Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg 2011-08-09 416MB 15 15 RELATED FILES. ./bkt5fjrc-y6jxj2m1s0tpzp2/Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg_-_Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg__1969_.part1 forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=1&topic=7705&start=1080 Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg_-_Jane_Birkin_et_Serge_Gainsbourg__. ./vw5vrj0j-fcgkxxqwz94fvdz/Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg__1969__Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg.html kvaz.com/file_gainsbourg-le.html Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg__1969__Jane_Birkin_Serge_Gainsbourg.ra. Jane birkin youtube

Fitur: Auto Craft. Open Boxes, Exchanges Books, Enchance, Dismantle, Home Famming Cheat Special: My Birthday, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas:) Status: WORK! Jangan Bilang Tidak Work oke? Jangan Lupa Untuk Menyebarkan Web: Dikarenakan DiGroup FB Saya Ada yg Request Maka Saya akan Meng-Sharenya di sini:) Anda Kebingungan Saat Mendownload?

Fitur: Auto Craft. Open Boxes, Exchanges Books, Enchance, Dismantle, Home Famming Cheat Special: My Birthday, Happy New Year and Merry Christmas:) Status: WORK! Jangan Bilang Tidak Work oke? Jangan Lupa Untuk Menyebarkan Web: Dikarenakan DiGroup FB Saya Ada yg Request Maka Saya akan Meng-Sharenya di sini:) Anda Kebingungan Saat Mendownload? Tinggalkan Komentar anda di Blog Don't Forget To Follow My Blog Biar Ga Ketinggalan Berita Terbaru:) Jangan lupa Tinggalkan Komentar bila cheat ini tidak work:).

Maybe will value is store in 3 mem adress one for each digit and also have a timer. Anohe and hard way could be that will is store between two or more values and they get result = a1-a2+a3 or something hard.

I have tried simply using memmory hacking programs that are not popular such as Cry Search, and unfortunately when attaching it to the game it gives an error saying the game is protected try running as admin. When doing that Cry Search crashes when attaching it to the games process. I even tried deleting the xm.exe application as it has worked for other games, but it doesn't work here. Any tips would be appreciated!

About the will: The game says your will depends on your level. So at lvl 50 you would have a total of 50 will. By searching for 100% you would actually just search for the display instead of the actual value. You allways have 100 Will, later on with higher level you get to 125% Will.

Anohe and hard way could be that will is store between two or more values and they get result = a1-a2+a3 or something hard. I still looking for it but it take a long since unkown initial value always get first time 8billion of result xD. Will is not a Number, its a Text and UniCode. If its at 100% (or 125% depends on lvl) scan for TEXT '125%', than use something like a exp book, and scan for the Value (115%) before it changes ('might' effect the Scan, if you are too slow). In the end you get the Value which contains 4 Values: They are: '1' 00 '2' 00 '5' 00 '%' 00 Reading them with AutoIT is kinda special, as i read the Values in the Order they are in the Memory according to Cheat Engine.

Is it possible to cheat in Atlatica Online in any way? Yes, as in most cheating is possible, but in subtle ways. The use of in order to automate farming and leveling of new characters is the most popular way of cheating in Atlantica Online. There are also other tools, such as or exploits that can give you mall advantages as well. However, there are NO god modes, gold hacks, item adders or anything of the sort. Is cheating Legal and will my account get Banned?

• Buka AO anda. Setting Battle Speed AO anda ke Medium. • Lakukan berulang hingga dapat 1 address. Klik 2x address tersebut. Freeze dan ganti value menjadi 240. Atlantica Online Cheat Battle Speed dan Move Speed Trainer Download Gratis.

So you can teleport (free travel), you can jump really high, fly, walk through walls and all that fun stuff. However, these hacks are almost extinct at this time due to the fact that they simply do not offer you too much in the way of PvE or PvP at all. 1 Any and all images and screenshots of games used on this page are used as a citation to illustrate cheats, what they look like and what they do, or what they could potentially do / look like, which is legal under. We claim no ownership of the original work. 2 Brand names, trademarks, logos and product names of games, their developers or publishers are merely referenced and they are the intellectual property of their respective owners. We claim no ownership for any of these ’s, nor use them as our own brand.

Auto use assist skills and attack skills. Auto potion 4.

Well they can mess with the game physics mainly, since those are processed on your machine. So you can teleport (free travel), you can jump really high, fly, walk through walls and all that fun stuff.

Buka AO pake kuda lg 7. Buka CE next scan 10 lakukan hingga menemukan 1-3 address (pastikan awalan address nya 07xxxxx) 8. Sudah ketemu klik 2x addressnya., nanti pindah ke bawah,kalau udah di centang/froze 9. Ubah Valuenya jadi 30/40 liat dulu berapa move speed kuda anda, misalkan kuda coklat = 10% jadi yang di scan 10 NB: - kalau tidak ketemu addres nya, coba lebih teliti lagi. - kalau tidak berhasil, sudah di fix oleh GM.

^^ Tools: Tutorial bikin Cheat Atlantica battle Speed: 1. Buka cheat engine, open process window, pilih Atlantica.exe. Login Chat anda 'Atlantica', Edit Setting dengan menggunakan ALT+O, SYSTEM, Battle Speed dan set battle speed nya Very Slow. Scan Atlantica yang udah di proces tadi dengaan value 80. Masuk lagi ke atlantica, set speed battle kembali menjadi normal. Masuk ke cheat engine lagi dan scan address dengan value 100.

Semua Credit ada di dalam Program Trainer nya. Mission impossible ghost protocol script. Download Trainer nya silahkan klik Have Fun 😀. Download Gratis AIKA Online Indonesia BOT Terbaru 2012 Sibuk karena ada perkerjaan lain tapi kamu ingin terus leveling? Nah salah satu caranya adalah menggunakan Bot, Bot AIKA ini sangat pintar karena dapat menjalankan quest secara otomatis dan masih banyak keunggulan lainnya. Yang perlu di ingat Bot ini masih dalam tahap Beta (uji coba).

Like CE does to any others games is just an impress of faster speed for nubs.

These scripts do provide huge value, since they will not only farm gold, items and experience for you, but do so without costing you any real life time or NX. Hacks on the other hand are much more subtle. They do not allow you to farm much faster or gain gold, though many illegitimate sites will tell you otherwise.

Direct link to the site.: If you use cheat engine, you just need to search for the current speed In the game till you get the right adress. 120 = Very fast 80 = Very slow You can change it to what ever, but to have it 100% Stable the highest value is around 240. I use personally 360, but sometimes it stuck at some skills or at fast mobs.

Most work but as they are fixed Addresses they are different in each System and 'some' change with every start of atlantica.exe Beside that changing them will either 'crash' Atlantica or the Server will just refresh them and while changed they have no effect. The only value changeable is the Battlespeed which is included in the SpeedHack in the Bot Package and it should work fine, im not even sure if it is 'illegal' or not as you have the Battle Speed Adjust anyway (just not that high) and the server cares nothing about it and will never refresh it. Beside that the 'box' thing is just random, if you could 'somehow' search for this value (which should be pretty hard) you might be able to 'slow' it, or skip it completly and give it a fix value, so yes it could be possible to make it 'selectable' what you get of a box, but who knows if this is client/server side, and getting the value will be hard too (but if someone is intrested, just scan with Cheat Engine and open 1000 boxes or so to search the changing value). Battlespeed i sure is felt only by my client the others players see me on their speed,as im in a party i see all with very fast speed but if i ask my party member he says i don't move more faster.

Atlantica Online Indonesia

The problem with the Will Value is simpel that it displays 19% for example, so searching for a 19, than if it becomes 20%, search for 20 gives no Result for 4-Integer, so i tryd Float number with the%-Value, like 80% is 0.80 and things like that, no result, so tryd with Double and in the end tryd with Text. Whatever it is, i am unable to actual read a Memory Address that displays just the Will Value, if someone can get one, Post it.

There are also other tools, such as or exploits that can give you mall advantages as well. However, there are NO god modes, gold hacks, item adders or anything of the sort.

If you are really serious about PvP, you will probably end up spending significantly more money to keep upgrading your team's equipment to +4 of whatever your current level is equipment is. Still, do the numbers, try and upgrade the items that give you the most effectiveness for your gold first.

Atlantica Online Battle Speed dan Move Speed via CE, Menggunakan Cheat Engine. Ini versi CE bukan versi trainer nya, untuk versi trainer nya km bisa lihat Ok langsung aja ke Tutorialnya: Battle Speed Cara: • Buka CE (cheat engine) • Open Process Window pilih Atlantica.exe • Buka AO anda, dan buka settingan AO dan lihat Battle Speed-nya: • Very Slow: 80 • Slow: 90 • Medium: 100 • Fast: 110 • Very Fast: 120 • Setting Battle Speed AO anda ke Very Slow. Ketik 80 First Scan. • Buka AO anda.

Langsung aja yang mau sedot Cheat Bot nya silahkan Untuk Tutorialnya silahkan liat Video dibawah ini. Untuk yang kurang mengerti silahkan post komentar dibawah artikel ini. Have Fun ^^ *** TUTORIAL VIDEO *** 1) How to get Basic Life Memory 2) How to get Character Memory and Offset for Life 3) How to get CombatInProcess Memory 4) How to get Sit Memory 5) How to get ActiveTurn Memory 6) How to get AP Memory 7) How to get YouTurn Memory 8.) How to get Zoom Memory.

Open Process >> Atlantica Online klik open 4. Buka System >> Setting di AO atau Alt+O pilih Tab system 5. Ganti Battle Speed dari medium Ke Very Slow. Klik Konfirmasi Masuk CE scan dengan 4 bytes value 80 6. Selesai scan masok AO lagi.

That is basically how the richest people got their gold in Atlantica. That and some merchant techniques or duplicating exploits. Finding and using this kind of bug is incredibly hard, but if one does, one can make huge profits. Also it needs to be pointed out that using exploits that are known publicly is not the most exquisite of ideas, since the developers usually keep an eye out for exploits, eager to ban people that use them.